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Positively Natural Faces, Face 8

Those of you who know me, already know that I seek faces naturally found in nature.  I am also a photographer and love to be outdoors.  Today the sun was shining and we actually were able to play outside without a winter coat, so I headed home from work promptly, grabbed my camera and headed outdoors.  My camera and I have missed each other and our outdoor discoveries.  So today, instead of art from from my journal, I am sharing faces around my yard and other natural phenomena, after all, natural faces are positively  wonderful!

Can you find or identify the natural faces?

Ice Cow

Fairy Kisses

Puddin's Ears, Hidden Face

Deep in Thought

Ice Skeleton

May there always be a sparkle in your eye!

Look hard for the faces.

How many ice faces can you find?

Can you find the dancer?

Rock Face

 Do you agree that nature has some positively fabulous faces?

To seek permission to use these images,
soul property of Renee Dowling,
contact her at


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