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Positively Pleasing Pluto

Pluto is now considered to be a dwarf planet, or a plutoid. Pluto was demoted in 2006 from being a
planet because part of the criteria of being a planet is a planet must have a clear pathway around the sun.  At times Pluto crosses paths with Neptune, thus the downgrade of Pluto.  Even so, it was positively pleasing to represent Pluto while be stimulated by music.

Colin Matthews created a musical piece for Pluto, in a desire to finish Gustav Holst's Planet Suite.  Pluto wasn't discovered until 1930, four years before Holst's death.  Holst was always a sickly man, and  didn't have the opportunity to create a composition for Pluto.  Pluto, the Renewer the musical composition is the inspiration for my recent art.

I challenged myself to create a visual piece of art that represents the atmosphere of the mysterious Pluto, the moods, feelings and thoughts I experienced while stimulated by this musical composition and to use colour, line, and texture to represent the sounds I heard.  In essence, this piece was created to help you see what I heard.

I apologize if this isn't the original version of the musical composition.  I have found four different versions, but this one is my favourite.  Click on the video below to hear the music.

As you are listening, see if you can identify the mood of the song, the feelings I experienced while listening to the song, the different instruments and tempo of the music and any characteristics of Pluto.

I used my fingers, for most of the piece, but did utilize paint brushes.  I also used a fork, cheese cloth, fabric spray and scribblers, a spray bottle, stencils, a plastic thing that comes in a pizza box to prevent the cheese from sticking to the box, bubble wrap and used only acrylic primary colours and white.

Every few minutes, I rotated the canvas. I decided to only use symbolism to represent the planet, the music and my thoughts and feelings, so that you can visualize your own images or story.

I really enjoyed letting go and just having fun.

It is enjoyable to see the colours of Pluto change throughout the day.  At night the colours are dark and mysterious, like the first half of the music.

During the day, the colours are cheery and bright and hopeful, like the second part of the musical composition.

Pluto was positively pleasing to represent!


  1. Renee, your pieces are always gleaming with texture!!! How do artists or perhaps gallery owners, expect the viewer to NOT TOUCH!!! ??? I can visualize you creating this while listening to this wonderful piece of music! So much emotion!

  2. Love this Renee, and especially your explanation of the piece! Fabulous textures and I can see how much fun you had doing this. And thank you for the music. Music always plays such a huge part in my painting process too. Thanks for sharing! xx

    1. You are welcome, Pauline! This was very emotionally gratifying to make. My soul was really connected to the music and the process! I felt like I could create art all my life doing this process of just feeling the art and not worrying that something looks in perspective or perfect!

  3. Thanks, Terri! Very good question! Maybe a new art movement has to be started where the first way to experience a piece of art is to enter an blackened room and feel the art so the audience can experience the art through their fingers and imagine what the art looks like, then the art is revealed visually! Fun, huh? The art could be protected by people wearing very thin gloves, or the artist would just know that the art wouldn't last forever and the peoples' touch is simply part of the history of the painting like wrinkles and laugh lines are part of a person's face?

  4. So beautiful! Have a great Easter weekend, Valerie

    1. Thanks, I appreciate your visit and compliment. Happy Easter weekend to you as well.

  5. Beautiful movement, almost like a dance on the page with great color and texture... Wonderful piece!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Lovely work y. You can see that it was a lot of fun to do. Happy PPF!

  7. beautiful work. thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  8. It is a beautiful painting. I love all the colours, textures and shapes you have used to represent Pluto through music. Its such a great idea. The fun and energy shine through! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks, I have my students do the same exercse for Pluto and another planet of their choosing.

  9. hello,
    when i read how you made this, fingers and turning, cloth and more it reminded me of digging in the soil; gardening, or making bread, tossing an artful salad, good things in life. It is lovely and the music has so many moods, a wonderful inspiration. Your painting is wonderful.

  10. Wonderful metaphors, Tammie Lee. Thanks for your poetic feedback!

  11. Fantastic work! I find it so liberating to paint with my fingers. There's something magical in letting yourself go and immersing yourself in inspiration - and it shows in your canvas!

    1. So nice of you to stop by and leave a grand compliment!

  12. Such a great idea! Beautiful painting filled with inspiration and a great color palette!

  13. This is such a joyful and spontaneous piece of art. Such a great idea to let yourself be guided by the music. I also love painting with my fingers. Somehow it creates a connection to the painting that you canĀ“t reach with a brush.

    1. Amen! Thanks, Denthe, I appreciate all of your compliments and insight. I admire you and your art so much!

  14. Your painting has a lot of energy to it; beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Ann! I appreciate your comments and visit!

  15. As Denise said-joyful is the first word I thought of upon seeing this exquisite painting! I love that a moving piece of music can result in some amazing art. Happy PPF and a happy Easter.

  16. I love that you've used all kind of tools besides your fingers, the way paint spreads with different methods is such a joy to feel and watch. So much energy in your painting, it shows that you've truly enjoyed yourself!

    1. I really did enjoy myself and I felt no pressure to complete it in any certain way! Thanks for visiting and for your kind statements!

  17. It's like the music is flowing from within the painting. You captured the movement in your work.Very beautiful piece.

    Happy Easter,
    Annabelle : )

    1. My goal has thus been reached! Thank you for for your time!

  18. Thanks for sharing this homage to Pluto. I love all the colors and textures. It was fascinating reading the evolution of this painting, your techniques and thoughts. Thanks for the music, too! Great work.

    1. Joy, this kind of painting has indeed become an evolution for me, so I appreciate your thoughts!


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