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Positively Fun

The monkey is well known for its skill and sense of fun.  Many Chinese temples were built to the monkey god Sun Wu Kong, known for his tantrums and practical jokes. 
(The Chinese Brush Painting Bible, page 150)

This monkey is positively having fun swinging from a vine the the jungle.  I was like the monkey today painting this.  One of my students asked if I could paint her a monkey for a gift for one of her friends.  This is my second attempt tonight.  I will try again tomorrow.  I was having trouble with perspective and the eyes, and felt like the monkey god... ready for a tantrum!  I almost started swinging from the chandelier in hopes that I could figure out how to do the eyes and face by acting like a monkey.  Oh, well...this blog is supposed to be about my adventure with learning how to paint better, so here it goes...OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  It was actually positively fun trying to paint this... my sort of first commission...

Monkey Business

The art is "soul property" of Renee Dowling.
If you would like to use the picture in any way, please contact her at


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