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Positively More Northern Lights

After waking up after an evening nap on the couch early this morning, I once again gazed out my back window.  Where there Northern Lights again?  Why sure enough!  They weren't as dramatic as in other places in Alberta this week, but this is the best I could capture!

The constellations and planets were glowing brightly as the coyotes were howling in chorus in a nearby field.  Earlier in the evening last night, an owl lit from my backyard trees, the chickadees treated us to a different chirp other than chick-a-dee-dee-dee,  and the bulls in a neighbour's field were butting heads. I am sure they were happy the snow from the morning had melted and the sun shone brightly in the afternoon.

 Today the first robin of the season finally appeared in our yard. I have to say, the birds and animals are sensing it is time to act like it is spring, and so am I.  I've been enjoying hour long walks with my cousins; the air is warm, but the wind still sends a chill to my bones at night.  However, I feel more energetic and eager to do more spring walks and photography journeys!

I am eagerly peering out my back window again tonight for more positively mysterious Northern Lights!  Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!


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