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I Positively Have a Life That is Good, By the Irrigation Canal

Yesterday I spent five and a half hours alone, exploring places within a fifteen minute drive east and west of my home in the country.  Two of the places I visited were places I have driven by numerous times, but have never stopped and took the time to examine them closely.  One place I have visited many times and every time I visit, there always seems to be something new that attracts my attention.

For some people, being alone is scary, but for me, I enjoy solitude, especially when I am in nature with my camera.  It was a bright day with a winter chill in the air, and the kind of wind that can give earaches.  One moment it was cold and I had my winter coat zipped up fully, my toque pulled down, my scarf tightly wound around my neck and my winter gloves comforting my fingers.  In the next minute, my toque was in my camera bag, my scarf loosened, my gloves hanging at my side and my zipper unzipped.

I was grateful for my rubber boots. They were happy to accompany me through the prairie, up and down grassy hills and through red shale paths covered in temporary ponds.

The clouds every changed and formed patterns I have never witnessed before.

Patterns, lines and textures created naturally attracted my attention, as my favorite music on my iPod provided a wonderful soundtrack to my day.  One song that shuffled into play was "A Life That is Good".  I get goosebumps and tears in my eyes every time I hear it.  Yesterday was no exception.  I first heard the on the television show called, "Nashville".  Lennon and Maisy Stella sing it in heavenly harmony and the words stir my emotions.

Since I have five and a half hours worth of photos, I will share them throughout the week.

As you can see, I positively have a life that is good.


  1. You take fabulous photos Renee! I love solitude too, though not all the time, when you need creative space it is a necessity.

    1. Thank you! Solitude is needed for me to think, but I also like to have company!

  2. Zuper cool series...fantastic landscapes!

    1. Thanks, Ted! It is good to hear from you again!


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