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Positively Black and White, Day 2

On the way home from my piano lesson, the sparkling fall sunlight was twinkling off of the historic St. Patrick's church and lured my eye and vehicle down the steep hill that envelopes the river valley to assist me in day two of Positively Black and White.  The clear blue sky perfectly framed the grey-white steeples, arches and windows.  I knew I had to photograph this church in monotone!

I have been nominated to participate in a black and white photography challenge by a fellow blogger, Terri Mappin. 

I am to post one black and white photo for five days and am also to nominate a person to participate in the challenge each day.  Since it is for fun, don't feel you have to participate, but I nominate Ted Gardner today.  I hope you have fun finding things to photograph in black and white, or at least edit the photos into black and white.  After all, black and white can be positively stunning!

I photographed this church last time on a freezing cold Saturday afternoon in the winter time last year, so it was a pleasure to experience this grand architecture on this warm 20 degree Celsius fall day.

This marvelous church has newly placed copper around the church, which the sunlight danced off in majestic grandeur.

I love these metaphoric steps that lead to the side door, symbolizing the long journey of life leading to the doorway to heaven in the distance.

Above the symmetrical windows of this marvelous church, newly placed copper rejoices as the setting sun sings in majestic grandeur.

Day is done, the sun is fading, it is time to cross the bridge and head home once again with ideas of tomorrow's challenge dancing in my head!

Thanks, Terri!  I am enjoying this challenge!


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