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New Watercolour, Pen and Ink Drawing Class

Need a gift for that creative someone who has everything? How about a gift of an art experience? A gift that keeps giving!

ā€œMerry Christmas to me,ā€ two of my clients said when they registered for this class.

One bought it for herself, the other is going to receive it from her hubby for Christmas.  Instead of physical gifts, they give each other experiences! How cool is that?

A new basic watercolour painting, pen and ink drawing class starts on Saturdays, 10:00 am -1:00 pm, starting January 6th - February 24th (8 weeks), $480 ($60/week), includes all supplies.

Call or text, or send a message to Renee to register. 403-952-9475, or E-mail: reneedowling@reflectionsartstudio.com

Then e-transfer full investment, $480,  to reneedowling@reflectionsartstudio.com

I also offer mixed media visual journaling classes for self-reflection and three hour retreats, gift certificates and e-cards.

Make an appointment to view and  purchase my art for yourself or gifts.


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