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Positively Proportional, Face 5

My goal is to draw faces in better proportion.  I found another YouTube video using the Golden Ratio of  1.62, used by the Ancient Greeks to build the Parthenon, and Leonardo da Vinci to draw his Vitruvian Man. Hey, if it's good enough for them,why not me?  This technique is more mathematical, but I think it may be easier than yesterday's lesson.

Here is Kate, but altered by using a photo editing program.

Kate 2

Kate 3

Kate Embossed

I think she looks much younger in these versions!  I hope that you also find Kate to be positively proportional!

The art and images are soul property of
Renee Dowling.
To use the images in any way,
please contact her at

See you tomorrow.
I really appreciate your feedback!


  1. It's funny the things you can do with the computer. But I like the original one the best!

  2. Thanks, Denthe. I prefer hand-drawn things myself!


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