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A Positively Heavenly Artist Date

Crossing the Bridge into a Heavenly Artist's Date

It was a positively heavenly artist date today.  Julia Cameron, an author and creative motivator, recommends that at least once a week an artist is to make a date to explore her art.  It can be in any format and whatever it takes to clear one's mind and stimulate and inspire creativity. Today was just that!

At 11:00 am at one of my favourite cafes,  I met with a dear friend that I used to teach with.  We haven't seen each other for ages, but it was like no time had passed.  No awkward moments or pauses, just honest heartfelt conversation.  We sat and talked and talked and talked until almost three o'clock!  Unusual for this introvert!

It is rare when that much time can pass and there isn't a lag for conversation.  We talked about everything, our careers, family, dreams...about what creative things we could do to utilize our love of books, history, stories, art and photography.

Of course, my baby, my Canon camera accompanied me, and afterwards, my baby and I spent the afternoon wondering around downtown in the -10 degree Celsius cloudy day, exploring architecture!

Now that report cards and student-led conferences are over, I can get back to sharing and creating.  I will share the photographs throughout the week.  Today's selections are showcasing the splendor of St. Patrick's church.

Won't Come In And Join Me On My Heavenly Artist Date?

Door Of Opportunity

Pointing to Heaven

Guiding the Heart

The Ladder to Heaven

Heavenly Angles

Heavenly Light

Come On In!

The Sky's The Limit

Heavenly Symmetry

St. Patrick's Church

A great friend, great food, great conversation, great dreaming, great architecture and great exploring! What a positively heavenly day!

The photographs are soul property
of Renee Dowling.
To purchase copies of them
or to use them in any way,
contact Renee at


  1. I think I need a day ... or three to explore my art, clear my mind and find some inspiration!!! My inspiration is lacking these days!!! LOL! Love your images of St. Patrick's Church and of course Finlay Bridge, 2 of my fav landmarks in Medicine Hat!!!

  2. Thanks, Terri. I decided I needed a change of scenery too! Everything around here was beginning to look old and too familiar! I am going to return to the church on a nice blue sky or dramatic sky day. The white would look stunning against some colour!


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