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Experimenting is Positively Worthwhile

Participating in Sketchbook Skool has led to a lot of experimenting and it has been totally worthwhile.

Our challenge this week was to create art related to the theme flying.  I carved a feather stamp first and realized it could also be a leaf.  I used a white eraser, as I didn't have any lino, as was suggested in the klass.   I love to carve.  For Valentine's Day, my husband gave me a trip to California to visit my son, daughter-inlaw and my granddaughter!  I was so excited, I took a lesson detour and created this page:

I am relearning some forgotten techniques and learning some really new fun techniques.  Watercolour glazing and washes.

I also found a really great watercolour painting channel on YouTube called The Mind of Watercolour!  This exercise was to pay attention to the shape of trees and use watercolour washes and glazes.

Below is another watercolour experiment, paying attention to the light to create depth.

On the below piece, our challenge was to create expressive lines.  The large butterflies are created from cutting a stencil into a transparency sheet.  I used a stamp pad to make the print, adding the lines from the pad as texture.  The idea is to create large blocks of colour and then add outlines and details using Indian Ink and a tissue paper transfer.   Actually I didn't have tissue paper, so I used parchment paper. The lines are uneven and chunky, but I actually like the effect. Celebrating imperfections! The lines are called expressive lines...you have no real control of the lines and they end up looking like old style lithographs, you know the style in old books?    I am going to try the technique again, now that I have some tissue paper.  I also carved a little flower and a small butterfly.  This time I used the leaf/feather stamp as grass!

Thanks for visiting.  I appreciate your feedback!


  1. Gorgeous work! The butterfly piece has a lot of great technique going on and beautiful colors. I also enjoy the hand-lettering! The feather stamp re-used as grass works so well!


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