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Positively Grassy

This is my 300th post!  I can't believe I have had so much to say and show.  Like grass, I have gone through a lot of seasonal changes in my photography and my art.  I started off very green and now I am a bit more seasoned and golden, but I am ever changing.

Veronica Roth has challenged us to create a post dedicated to grass.  My original plan was to create a painting, but I was working on another painting and was determined to get it done, so I ran out of time.  Instead I am going to post photographs of grass.

I have been doing daily walks with two wonderful ladies, Valerie and Michelle.  We have been sharing a lot of good memories from our childhood, mourning the loss of our parents, and  have had a lot of philosophical discussions.

We have shared photography tips, and are appreciating nature together.

We  have walked along many grassy pathways.

We have had a lot of laughs.  Along the way, our children, spouses and friends have joined us, but the three of us are the core of our walking group, and we discovering we have a lot in common.

Valeria and Michelle have been right under my nose all of these years, just like the grass that surrounds the hills, the cliffs, the animals, homes, the trees, the river, the streams, and the pathways.

Like grass in the wind, we have been bending and swaying to work around our schedules to make sure we are getting exercise and having a good time too.

Like this lone tree in the prairie surrounded by grass, I feel surrounded friendship.

Like a good friend, grass is always there,  supporting and complimenting, protecting, sometimes taken for granted,  but always there.

Thanks for the challenge Veronica Roth !


  1. Hi Renee. Our friends being like grass is an interesting and wonderful idea! It's so true that friendships go through seasons like grass. I wonder what this spring will bring all of us and our friends?

  2. friends are such a gift and yours sounds lovely.
    your photographs were a joy to see, i can almost see you walking there, taking to heart the lay of the land. grass in it myriad of seasons is beautiful.

  3. Great serires of grass landscapes.

  4. thanks for a lovely grassy walk, sun bleached, golden and green, wishing you lots of refreshing walks there with your friends,x

  5. you do live in a most wonderful area, renee! all these aspects of grass, as compared to our lives... it does make sense. n♥

  6. dear YOU,
    how i loved your words and images
    that sounds like the best friendship!
    and your images makes me long for Australia
    what a beautiful surrounding!!!!


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