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The Colours of Fall are Positively Lovely

Fall has arrived and the colours are positively lovely.  

It may seem a weird thing to do, but tonight I went to the cemetery to photograph the trees.  The colours of fall enticed me into the beautiful resting place of many loved ones. The glorious trees protecting and surrounding the graves from the cool crisp night air that chilled my spine.  The saddness of graves dedicated to young babies fell upon my cheeks.  It was so sad to see that some families had lost so many babies in the early 1900s.  Some one every year for three years in a row. The bright colours of fall comforted me.

Yellow sunflowers striving to live long enough to produce seeds for the coming year greeted me downtown amongst the old brick buildings.

Mesmerizing radiating patterns of gold lure eyes once accustomed to the greens of summer.

Proudly it stands against the ancient wall now adorned with modern murals of purple.

A late bloomer protects its inner soul from the cold fall days.

Tomatoes finally begin to ripen, the hot days of summer's sun rays linger within.

Fall's harvest fills our bellies.  Aren't the colours of fall positively lovely?

Happy week to you all, no kidding!


  1. I have never heard sadness expressed as you have: sadness fell upon your checks
    your words are full of feeling
    and yes, sad

    such beautiful sunflower photos! wow.
    thank you for sharing all these peaks into your world.


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